Simon Callow
Knjižnica MGL (128)
Simon Callow: se je rodil v Londonu leta 1949. Študiral je na univerzi Queen's v Belfastu in v Drama Centru v Londonu.
Igralski nastopi: gledališče - Arturo Ui, Mary Barnes, Amadeus, Popolni mrk, Restoration, Poljub žene pajka, Faust, Single Spies; televizija - La Ronde, Chance in a Million, Handel, David Copperfield, Old Flames, Femme Fatale; film - Amadeus, Soba s pogledom, The Good Father, Mr. and Mrs. Bridge, Postcards from the Edge, Štiri poroke in en pogreb, Jefferson v Parizu.
Režiral je naslednje gledališke predstave, filme in opere: Loving Reno, The Infernal machine, Cosí Fan Tutte, Jacques and His Master, Shirley Valentine, Die Fledermaus, Single Spies, Carmen Jones, My Fair Lady, Destiny of Me, The Ballad of the Sad Café.
Napisal je knjige: A Difficult Actor: Charles Laughton, Shooting the Actor, Acting in Restoration Comedy, biografijo Orsona Wellesa The Road to Xanadu. Prevedel je: Jean Cocteau - The Infernal Machine, Milan Kundera - Jacques and His Master.
Cena: 8,30 €
Simon Callow: se je rodil v Londonu leta 1949. Študiral je na univerzi Queen's v Belfastu in v Drama Centru v Londonu.
Igralski nastopi: gledališče - Arturo Ui, Mary Barnes, Amadeus, Popolni mrk, Restoration, Poljub žene pajka, Faust, Single Spies; televizija - La Ronde, Chance in a Million, Handel, David Copperfield, Old Flames, Femme Fatale; film - Amadeus, Soba s pogledom, The Good Father, Mr. and Mrs. Bridge, Postcards from the Edge, Štiri poroke in en pogreb, Jefferson v Parizu.
Režiral je naslednje gledališke predstave, filme in opere: Loving Reno, The Infernal machine, Cosí Fan Tutte, Jacques and His Master, Shirley Valentine, Die Fledermaus, Single Spies, Carmen Jones, My Fair Lady, Destiny of Me, The Ballad of the Sad Café.
Napisal je knjige: A Difficult Actor: Charles Laughton, Shooting the Actor, Acting in Restoration Comedy, biografijo Orsona Wellesa The Road to Xanadu. Prevedel je: Jean Cocteau - The Infernal Machine, Milan Kundera - Jacques and His Master.
Cena: 8,30 €